Support of local businesses and producers

Helyi vállalkozások, termelők bemutatása

Due to the very difficult-to-predict effects of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus, smaller, less capital-strong businesses have faced serious operational difficulties. In most cases, companies and producers with only low-level reserves suddenly lost most of their consumers and had to make up for the lost revenue in some way in order to stay afloat.

In this unfamiliar situation, SS Smart InsurTech Innovation hurried to  provide its partners  the tools  promising the fastest results, i.e. we offered our partners  an introductory opportunity  in front of  the  readership of our website and social media platforms  through which  they could reach new customers learning  about their  product or service that brought them a breath of fresh air.

Based on the grateful feedback from our partners, we believe that we were able to contribute to keeping them afloat, so we will continue this activity as long as we have a client  whom we can support in this way!


How can we help?

    Our phone number

    +36 70 945 1488

    Our mailing adress

    Vendel str. 11.
    Budapest, 1096
