Travel Insurance
There are several options for providing business travel and related travel insurance.
On the one hand, ad hoc contracts, which are only recommended if the members of your company do not spend often and not much time abroad (travel insurance can be only concluded while traveling abroad, not domestically).
We use the below two ways to ensure the travelling of our partners, whose employees and managers spend a lot of time outside Hungary:
– if the identity of the travelers is often the same or there is a position within the organization that is declared to involve many trips abroad (international sales representative, international relations officer, etc.), it is worth contracting an annual passenger pass, which does not require the announcement of the countries of travelling, it is valid within its territorial scope during one year from the date of redemption without restriction;
– if many people of company travel ,however,but not many times per individual, the saving solution is to create a framework travel insurance contract, which can be used freely by any of the employees and after which the number of passenger days can be recharged (one passenger a day draws the frame, i.e., if four traveling colleagues spend five days abroad, it shortens the available travel limit by twenty days).
There are a variety of supplements to travel insurance, including reimbursement for dental care (if unexpectedly needed) or theft or loss of electronic equipment in your luggage, but you can also contract for terrorist risks if required. In this case, the insurer guarantees that the traveler in distress will be evacuated from the danger zone as soon as possible and will be repatriated.