Tender writing

Successful application writing is the key to growth. We know that there is nothing worse than if an dreamed-up project or development cannot be implemented due to a lack of resources. We can help you to achieve your goals by writing a tender. We will inform you precisely about your tender opportunities and the tenders that can provide you with the necessary resources.

As part of our application writing service, we will first initiate a personal meeting with those interested. During the consultation, we assess the potential tender opportunities available to your company, and then present you with the most important features ( time requirements,expected costs, forms of support, types of contract, project-based support, etc.) of the  tender system (public procurement, European Union, others). At the end of the consultation, we will make a proposal to you about the current tenders relevant to your company, about the services we consider worthy and recommended for your company.

If you then decide that our team will prepare the application for tender on public procurement or for tender of EU for your company, we will select the optimal alternative for you.

Before writing an application, we always carry out a pre-qualification that reveals the possible  chances your company or your civil organization will have in the tender in question. During the pre-qualification of the tender, we check the evaluation aspects  and the general criteria, the fulfillment of which is essential for the successful implementation of the project in question.